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"Pain Genie - 40 years experience -  a natural approach to pain relief and personal health using Scenar therapy with our DVD and members area instructional videos"

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About Pain Genie Limited

Pain Genie is based in Worthing, West Sussex and was set up to develop, supply and support effective pain resolution systems using the latest genuine Scenar technology.

As the original official UK distributor of OKB RITM (Ritmedic), the only manufacturer of genuine Scenar products, we have in depth knowledge and experience in the field of Scenar therapy. We are also leaders in 'energetic medicine' - leading edge, non invasive health solutions.

We supply devices worldwide and run training courses in UK & Ireland, France and India, providing a fusion of knowledge to simplify and accelerate healing.

Pain Genie UK


Drs Rob Esser

Role: Advisor, Trainer Location: Canterbury, UK Contact:

Rob Esser is a fully trained Clinical Psychologist, Traditional Acupuncturist and scenar Therapist. He has been in Acupuncture practise since 1980.

His treatments are aimed at the fullest restoration of health. With the reawakening of the inner sense of freedom his clients are enabled to develop their potential more fully.

Towards the end of my more than seven year training in Clinical Psychology, that was mainly aimed at research, I was deeply shocked by the debilitating effects of drugs driven therapies on the mental health of clients. Many became even more disabled to deal with their problems. This resulted naturally in a personal conflict of vocation that forced me to pay attention to body/mind interaction. Discovering the deep understanding expressed in Chinese Medicine changed my despair into delight. Lack of research funding coached me towards becoming a practitioner in traditional forms of Acupuncture. The world just started to see the beginning of a general awakening to holistic medicine. I moved from the Netherlands to the UK to continue my studies. The further discovery of the Scenar Technology after 23 years of practise brought me a burst of renewed joy. The medical understanding expressed in this form of Adaptive Medicine is comprehensive. Although its expression may be less sophisticated than the ancient Chinese theoretical frameworks, the tool that the Scenar Technology uses is the most sophisticated therapeutic device available, both for body and mind. And meeting its inventor Dr Karasev brought the reassurance that the development of this tool is in full flow with unseen horizons still to be revealed. I see a wide variety of clients of all ages in a local clinic in Canterbury UK, where I strive to address ALL of the client, whatever the complaint might be. After an analysis of the presentation, complaints and life style of the client, the resulting therapeutic and supportive conversations are accompanied by advice and different forms of Traditional Acupuncture or Scenar/Cosmodic Technology, aimed at meeting the essence of the needs of that person. I have a strong belief in the art of simplicity and the inner intelligence of every individual that only needs to be awakened.

I use Dr Callahan's technique of TFT when the situation asks for it.

I am fully trained in all these treatment modalities.


The Pain Genie Scenar - Learn more about the many ailments it can resolve!

020 7873 2206


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